Moments of the Week #1

Tulip trees windy

Ugens momenter. Et behov for at opsummere hvad den forgange uge har budt på, hvad tiden er blevet brugt på, for tiden er der både så meget og alligevel så lidt af. Tiden går så frygtelig stærkt, og inden man får set sig om, står man ved den næste milepæl i livet, uden helt at kunne huske, hvordan man er kommet derhen. Den forgangne uge har budt på lidt af hvert, men mest af alt har specialet følgelig fyldt en stor del – og alligevel er der blevet plads til forbedringer på forskellige områder, og til at nyde nogle af de glæder, som livet bringer med sig. English recap below.
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Moments of the Week #1

Chia-Coconut-Walnut Porridge

Porridge with berries, chia hempWhen it comes to breakfast, I like it easy. Like really easy. Even though it takes no time cooking eggs, making an omelette or what not, I just don’t want to spend time on it during weekdays. I have always loved a good porridge, and as far as I remember, I have been eating a good and solid porridge almost every morning since I was 16. The past few years it seems that my appetite has changed though. I’m not as hungry in the morning as I used to be, which I find to be quite odd. Some days I eat breakfast at 10 AM, while other days I can be starving as i roll out of bed by 7.  Continue reading “Chia-Coconut-Walnut Porridge”

Chia-Coconut-Walnut Porridge

Weekly Tip #2: Meditation

Meditation buddhaToday I want to tip you on meditation, on why and on how to. Meditating is something that used to be a part of my every day, but somehow we fell apart and for a long time there was a huge distance between us. I used to meditate every day when I was younger, when I had less thins to do and when my life somehow seemed more “easy” and more manageable. Perhaps it seemed that way because I meditated; I’m more like to believe that it seemed that way because that was how it was though.  Continue reading “Weekly Tip #2: Meditation”

Weekly Tip #2: Meditation

Weekly Tip #1: Reading In the Morning

motivational booksI’m introducing a new serial: The Weekly Tip – even though Tuesday Tip actually sounds better. Nevertheless I feel the urge to share some of my tips, some of them regarding productivity, positivity, mindfulness, planning and goal setting and some in regards to other things like cooking, what to wear and how to’s. Continue reading “Weekly Tip #1: Reading In the Morning”

Weekly Tip #1: Reading In the Morning

Thoughts on Creativity


Jeg tror, at vi alle er stødt på ovenstående billede ind imellem; enten på Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest eller Twitter; hvordan succes egentligt ser ud. Men hvordan definerer man egentligt succes? For er succes overhovedet definerbar, og føler vi nogensinde, i det samfund vi lever i, at vi kan opnå den succes, vi går og drømmer om? Continue reading “Thoughts on Creativity”

Thoughts on Creativity

50 Little Things To Be Grateful For


The small things in life are usually the ones that add up, why it is so important to remember to appreciate these and make them count.

We all go through periods of our life in which we experience big things such as getting a degree, moving in with one another, having children, getting married, starting a new job and what else make up the bigger things in our lives. But sometimes we forget the small things, the ones that make the everyday count, the ones that allows us to do what we love or the things that make our everyday lives easier. Continue reading “50 Little Things To Be Grateful For”

50 Little Things To Be Grateful For

8 Happiness Boosters for Your Every Day

happiness-boostersIf you’re looking for some ways to boost your happiness, whether you’re feeling down, you just want to improve your overall happiness and give it a boost or you merely want to implement some ways into your life that will make you feel happy throughout the day, you came to the right place. 

Continue reading “8 Happiness Boosters for Your Every Day”

8 Happiness Boosters for Your Every Day

10 Things I Want To Do in February


I like to jot down what I would like to do in the month to come. It’s like a monthly bucket list with all the things I’d like to make time for or things I just know I need go get done.

Continue reading “10 Things I Want To Do in February”

10 Things I Want To Do in February

How to Eliminate Noise in Your Life

Many of us find ourselves in the midst of a noisy world. A world that constantly wants something from us; our attention, our opinions and our souls.

It can be draining to keep up with the world around us, and sometimes we just need to eliminate all the noise that is surrounding us.
I myself try to eliminate negative things and people in my life, I meditate whenever I need it, I do yoga to get in touch with my mind after some long or hard days – or I start out this way to keep my mind balanced.
I also use the following tips to keep the noise out of my life, and guess what? It works… Continue reading “How to Eliminate Noise in Your Life”

How to Eliminate Noise in Your Life